Saturday, May 4, 2013

Homemade Cream Cheese (made from homemade yogurt)

**Homemade Cream Cheese**

This is a homemade cream cheese recipe that is made from homemade yogurt. Don't be intimidated, it's super easy and most of the preparation time is just "waiting" for it to do its thing! My homemade yogurt recipe and full tutorial can be found here!
You will need:
approx. 2-3 cups of homemade yogurt (depending on how much cream cheese you want to make)
a clean hand towel or cheese cloth
a pot or bowl
a rubber band or string
a mesh strainer
What To Do:
First, put your mesh strainer over your pot, then lay the hand towel over the strainer
 Then pour your yogurt into the hand towel (leave enough room to pull up your towel and wrap the rubber band around it)

 Next, bring up all sides of the towel (rather tightly) and wrap your rubber band or tie around the towel. You will immediately start to see liquid draining from your yogurt!!
 Then, place pot, strainer and everything into the refrigerator and let drain over night.
 This is what your cream cheese will look like!!  This is just straight up plain cream cheese. You can use in recipes or you can flavor it any way you like and use as a spread on bagels or other breads or crackers!
Above is a photo of the liquid that is drained from the yogurt. This is called the "whey" and DON'T DISCARD IT! It's packed with nutrients and can be used for several things! I will post a list of all sorts of things you can do with your whey!  
Please feel free to leave feedback, comments, or questions! I'd love to see how YOUR'S turns out! 

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